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The Perfect Finishing Touches

As the majority of our trees and plants are supplied with standard plastic pots, we have a vast selection of galvanised stainless-steel planters and ornamental plastic pots to complete the look. The Portofino Collection stainless-steel planters are available in basalt black, gloss white and graphite grey, complementing any plant and environment, from traditional to contemporary. […]

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Autumnal Maple Trees

Celebrate the new season with a pop of autumnal colour from one of our vibrant maple trees. Now that we are officially in autumn, it is time to fully embrace the beauty of the season, from the burnished coppers to the rich Sienna reds. However, if you do not already have mature maple trees ready […]

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Peonies for High Summer and All-Year Round

Peonies are some of the most romantic flowers with their endless layers of frilly petals, unfurling from tight orb shaped buds. Unfortunately, peony season is short, from May to July and the unusually high temperatures this year have been unkind to the delicate flowers, with many buds not developing into the romantic blousy blooms we […]

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Summer Roses

Now that summer is in full swing, it is the perfect time to make the most of the season with our beautiful rose collection. Roses are synonymous with summertime, but they can be very difficult to grow and care for. From the delicate balance of hydration to the plague of pests, it is easy to […]

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Welcome to Artplants!

Thank you for visiting Artplants! We hope you will enjoy browsing our site and finding inspiration for your home and garden. We have over sixteen years of expertise within the interior landscaping industry, with our plants and trees being used for homes, gardens, offices and even on television productions. We offer a vast range of […]